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RSS and feed-readers give you the best of the digital world in a more focused manner. If you are setting yourself up to be an information junkie, subscribing to relevant RSS feeds is the way to go. All the latest rumors, urban legends, myths and misinformation gathered together in one nifty list.

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The web changes daily. New content gets published almost every hour in some cases. Now, you can bookmark your favorite sites and visit them daily, but that's too much of work. RSS simplifies the whole thing.

RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication'. It has also been called ‘Rich Site Summary'. More commonly it is described as news feeds. What RSS does is basically described in the word – ‘feed'. (Here's Guiding Tech's feed. Do subscribe to it if you haven't already)

RSS Explained Simply

RSS gives you all the relevant content that a website or blog publishes in the form of headlines, excerpts, and stories…or a combination of all three. You need to subscribe to a RSS feed of a website in order to receive these updates. Don't worry; subscription to RSS is as simple as a click (that's why it is called as Really Simple Syndication). RSS feeds can be read and managed using software called RSS reader, feed reader, or aggregator, which can be online, on the desktop, or on your mobiles. For instance, Google has a reader called Google Reader. Even a browser with a small add-on can be turned into a feed reader.

The Simple Two Step Process to Subscribe to a Website's Feed

Subscribing to a feed is a very simple process:

Websites feature the RSS button prominently. It is usually an orange colored large button or any other color for that matter. Some websites also gives you a text link which simply says – Subscribe.

Click the RSS button to set up your browser to subscribe to the feed using your preferred RSS reader.

After you have subscribed to a few feeds you'll begin to see them flowing into your feed-reader. A RSS feed-reader regularly checks all subscribed feeds for fresh content and downloads them if there are any. Start reading.

Uses of RSS and Why It Is Still A Great Way to Consume Information

Photoshop cs6 cho macbook pro. Feed-readers and RSS subscriptions allow you to track many websites and blogs simultaneously. It remains the best way to consume a lot of information without the hassle of going to each source separately. But did you know that RSS is used in variety of other ways too. And you can also benefit from these alternative ways to track constantly changing information.

  • You can use feeds to track your favorite shopping sites for latest arrivals and discounts.
  • You can use feeds to track latest threads and posts on discussion boards.
  • You can use feeds as a weather tracker if you are always on the road.
  • You can use feeds to get alerted about the best financial information…for e.g. currency exchange rates or stock prices.
  • You can use feeds to be updated about the latest happenings in areas of your special interest.

I prefer using RSS instead of email, because the latter takes up too much inbox space and also invites spam. Twitter and Facebook feeds are great too, but they can be a mish-mash of what you are actually interested in and what's noise. RSS and feed-readers give you the best of the digital world in a more focused manner. If you are setting yourself up to be an information junkie, subscribing to relevant RSS feeds is the way to go.

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Also See#beginners #RSS

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In this mobile-centric world, we still spend a good part of the day working on PCs and Laptops. And sometimes, we don't get enough time to grab our smartphone and scroll through the latest news and favorite websites. So, in such situations having an RSS Feed Reader or Personalized News Reader desktop app can be really handy. By desktop app I mean a Windows Store app. If you didn't know, Windows 10 apps can now be used as desktop apps. They'll work the same.

So, I tested out some RSS Feed Reader apps. And, here's a quick rundown on the best RSS Feed readers available on the Windows store for Windows 10 PCs. Let's dig in.

1. NewsFlow

If you like simplicity then you'll love NewsFlow. Following the Windows app design guidelines, Newsflow has given enough space between elements to breathe. It is not that charming but it's simple, easy to read and navigate. Here's a screenshot of the feeds in the Home display.

To add a feed, you can simply search for the website and it will display all the available feeds related to your search query. You can also manually add the feed link to the search bar. You get enough options to customize when you add an RSS Feed.

An unusual thing here is that you can't add a new category when you add an RSS Feed. Facebook chat app download for pc. You can only select them. You got to add them from the categories panel separately first.

A cool feature you get in the article options is to extend the readability. Many RSS Feed article ask you to fully read the article on their website. This feature will extend the article and let you read the whole post in the Article panel itself.

It's got all other features. Categories get added to the main menu. You can even add these categories to the start menu to quickly access them. You can manage the notifications and customize the article format according to your needs.

2. NextGen Reader

NextGen Reader is a Feedly client app making use of the Feedly API. It boasts of a multi-pane design with full customization. Yes, you'll, of course, need a Feedly account to get started with this one. It cost $1 on the store. But you can use it as a 7-day free trial. And then choose to buy it or not.

Here's how the multi-pane design looks.

You can also switch to modern view by clicking on the NextGen logo. It will show a beautiful card view of the Feed currently open.

You can further customize the fonts, switch between light and dark theme and change behavior of the application according to your needs. Unfortunately, you cannot add your own shortcuts.

You can set the behavior of the article for specific feeds. You can choose to open it with a summary, full view or open in the browser. Or else just pin the Feed to the Start Menu.

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3. Readiy

Do you like to quickly scan your unread articles and read what's interests you? If yes then Readiy (another Feedly client app) will help you do so. Readiy organizes all your unread articles in tiles view so that you can quickly scan through headings and read what's interesting.

There's a sidebar to quickly navigate through your feeds and app settings to change the look of the app according to your liking. The article opens up in a separate panel for unobtrusive reading.

Here too you can extend the article using readability. You get different article specific options on the top-right corner of the panel. Options like saving it Pocket and sharing it with other Windows apps.

4. newsXpresso Pro

newsXpresso reminds me of Flipboard. (Flipboard is also available on the Store, though I haven't added it here because it's already popular.) newsXpresso has got an animation effect just like Flipboard. Flipboard flips to next screen and newsXpresso opens the next screen like you're opening a book. The default theme of the app is Paper. But you can change it as I did below.

newsExpresso Pro shows news and articles based on regions. You can also opt for Global but region based content does include Global content too. It's a mixture of personalized news and RSS feeds. You can simply search for the website you'd like to add to the list. Or just get random news and articles based on the category you've chosen. Here's how an article looks.

You can even add your YouTube Account and Feedly account to get more personalized content.

Is any System Windows app bugging you? Here's how to uninstall it.

5. RSS Central

RSS Central is one of the easiest to use RSS Feed Readers amongst all. It costs $1 after a 7-day trial. Right after opening the app you get the idea what you have to do. Each option is visible on screen with more natural navigation.


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To add your own feeds you can simply paste them to add or do a quick search. It's fast and responsive.

The article can be expanded to full view. You can set the refresh interval time, always display unread article and set article sort order. You also get the option to personalize the app behavior when you're offline. It's simple, fast, has easy navigation and I like it.

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What's Your Take?

You still wanna stick to Flipboard or want to explore among these beautiful apps listed above? Let us know in the comments what's you take on these Windows apps and share your own favorite.

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ALSO READ: How to Install and Run Windows 10 Modern Apps from an External Drive

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Also See

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